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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:58 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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What a delightful week we have had, climaxing in a glorious day at the local fruit and flower show where lordalex's onions failed to impress the judges yet again, but his leek was highly commended.

My own efforts in the home baking classes also got the thumbs down, but perhaps, as the judge commented, raisin and anchovy scones are something of an acquired taste.

My contributions to tonight's raffle are:

6 parsnips
3 carrots
and half a ball of gardening twine

As I am having trouble with the site tonight, I will post this slightly early.


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Well, I must say you outdid yourself with the Saturday Surprise mamy, went down a treat with my beetroot Scotch helmet (aka fish & ships)
Your turn milady 'boom boom' you usually don't resist such a feed
Good gracious, he is playing away, well his head will have beeen turned by those bronzed beauties, you can hardly blame him, he is a hot blooded man as I well know
Have you heard from love's old dream ttfn, since he's been gone? Text, e:mail, long distance call?
choke splutter choke I beg your pardon matron?
Are you sure you didn't misinterpret him, ttfn, I can hear what he said......
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I am rising above your comments, Ena.

Pass the tailcocks, please, Mamya.
lardy - please pay attention <<< backward step please. I am very upset and my hair net is under great tension now
Hi all, sorry to hear about the show M'lady, I take it the bribes didn't go down well this year.
If there is to be a rafle I have brought
a hamster's wheel
half a box of Black Magic
a scarecrow

Please may I have a tailcock, I'm parched.
Then perhaps boxy you wouldn't mind showing me a little solidarity and explain it to me. My mind is kerfuffled with all the upset
I can recommend the Saturday Surprise m'lady - mamy's got the recipe just right. It must be love!
More drinkies coming up even have a space shuttle one

Vodka,Pernod and sparkling wine ( no sparklers this time, remember...)
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Good evening, Miss Meg.
I hope you are here to be the voice of sanity.

How did you know about the judges and the money, by the way ?
Do you participate in vegetable competitions ?
Hello meg - did you see the other ½ of my magic box? i think David Nixon has risen. Its all just too much lingerie tonight sob sob
Sorry ttn - too many of mamy's Surprise tailcocks.
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I will take lardhelmet's advice and have a Saturday it's a while since I've had one of them.....

Loosen your hairnet , Ena. You're among friends here.
Fancy meg knowing there is a turnip for the book
Boxy wont explain it to me milady. I am more than bereft now. My be hasd never been so refted. 2 of those tailcocks and you will all be as high as kites - she put the Jeyes in it I tell you
And meg's always got such a glossy coat and wet nose. Very pretty
Groomed to perfection - she is a credit to you meg ♥

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