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Hi all who were kind enough to respond last time, as you know I went into school today. And...................................................................................... nothing!! Sorry, folks...
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who made a giant penis for the vatican? That fireworks came out the end of?
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When is the 7th and last book of the Harry Potter collection coming out? Or is it out already?
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What are some people thinking, male and female, when they stick the most unflattering photo on their profile they could probably find ? I'm not talking about how photogenic they are here, I'm talking...
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What ONE word would you choose to describe the following ? __________ A 35 year old male who has never had a valentines card in his life. __________ I'll tell you why I'm asking after I've received...
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Similar question to Nate's one, i have been seeing a guy for a month, what can i get him for valentines day? Not quite sure what to get him...Far to early for any cards with the words boyfriend and...
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starry eyes
A bit simular to Charlotte247's question i guess, I have 5 tattoos and peircings too, im not a grunge/goth or anything like that. My tattoss are (fairly) subtle and my piercings are tongue, belly...
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if someone is having a affair will there attitude toward the wife/family change? if he is cheating how will he show the other woman he dont want the wife?
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are you a flirt? do you like people flirting with you? is it just good fun? or does it get on your thruppeny bits??
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Do men find it attractive if a girl blushes? (er, blatantly showing she fancies you!) I think it's quite cute on guys...
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What's the longest you have gone without sex? And secondly, what's the longest you've gone without thinking about sex? And who thinks about sex more - men or women? I say us girls...! But maybe that's...
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Where can you find that someone special who will not hurt you?

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