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What I am listening to was recorded in Guildford Cathedral, and is rather wimpy, so I won't say, but is another chance for us to yield up our favourite music. Any lovers of "Tunnel of Love" out there...
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I have been living with my partner for the last 4 years, whenever I tried to get a loan or a credit card, I couldnt because my boyfriend had debts, now he has moved out, how long does it take before I...
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ICE COLD BEER!!!! What are you craving?
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Would you enjoy a few hours alone without any noise ...just quiet, relaxing time...reading, or thinking. Or do you need distractions so you don't think about the things you don't want to think about?
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Last week I split up with my boyfriend of 4 and a half years, We had been together since we were 17 and had been living together for 3 years. He has now moved out and I am left to fend for myself in...
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I have been with my partner for 4 years, and on Friday I cheated on him! I had sex with someone else. This is completely unlike me, yeah i was drunk but why did i do it? I dont understand. My partner...
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my cat has gone off her food over the last few days also she dosen't like being touched near her stomach what could be wrong
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This might be a really stupid question but my friend told me that cows only produce milk when they are pregannt, is this true, I know humans produce it whilst being pregnant so maybe its the same.
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Has anyone bought these hair straighterners they are ?20 in Boots. I have very thick hair so a lot of cheaper hair straighterners dont work on my hair. I was wondering what people thought of them and...
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How can I tell if I'm just normal teenage depressed or if I have Depression?
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my 5 month old kitten broke her leg last week and has had pins put in it.shes a very active kitten we were told to keep her in strict confinement for at least two weeks, we 've made her a very big pen...
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please excuse my ignorance but i will ask anyway. there seem to be loads and loads of cows in fields and no bulls, does one bull mate with them all, and if so, arnt all cows inbreds? sorry to be so...
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i have been married for the last yr and a half. During this time I have been off and on depressed, frustrated and lonely. When I changed my birth control some months ago, the more "crazy" elements of...
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what's the big deal? most supermarkets have buy one/get one free deals all year round,dont they? what a s**t birthday celebration
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bit of an awkward one really split up from my daughters father about 3 months back we were not married and she took on his surname i want to change it back to mine as he does not deserve to have her...
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In the middle of watching dispatches, supermarket secrets. It makes me sick to think people can treat animals like that!! it disgusts me! It's definately put me off eating chicken from supermarkets!!
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I am afraid of the responses that I might get not being what I hope to hear, but I still need your feedback AB! I would like to know if you think that 1 year into a relationship should be enough time...
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Who has read her books? I find them very easy and relaxing to read, nearly read all her books now anyone got anymore recommendations on books to read, I tend to read fictional books, found a boy...
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Where do we all live? I live in Poole Dorset:-) 
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Can anyone tell me what prozac does? I understand it's not like a tranquiliser and isn't habit forming but does it remove negative feelings? I don't really understand how anti-depressants work and I'm...

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