I find it really hard to get a job at my age, i have my name down on all the paper round lists, i babysit for people which gets boring! and i often look in the local paper for jobs. but i don't know...
Brit beer sales at lowest level since Depression Pubs squeezed by smoking ban, rising costs and economic downturn They will blame everything, but the truth is the smoking ban has caused pubs and clubs...
I have two pedestal fans at home, and used a couple of desk fans at work. On all of them, the slowest speed setting is way too fast. Do other answerbankers agree? I just want a pleasant gentle breeze,...
Myself and my partner have had continuous problems with our neighbours in regards to racial harassment and their children have also caused nuisance as well. We have complained but we feel our housing...
The house i live in used to belong to a housing association but i purchased it for cash some 5 years ago, the boundary between my property and my neighbours is my responsibilty to maintain but the...
Basically my boyfriend was in a pub and went to the toilet with his friend, they were both in a cubicle when someone tried to enter and was accusing them of taking cocaine (which they have told me...
we are a catering business and we are wanting to know what is a safe way to get rid of the flies, we have tried flie spray but we carnt use it in the bar or round food, the fly paper look...
How would you react to this. I stayed the other night with my cousin and her husband. The next morning I was sat on my bed fully dressed and saw her husband come out of their bedroom to go...
Hi all, hope someone can help with this one. I am a seperated father living in Spain with my daughter. My wife left us both 7 months ago and has returned to England after having an affair. She has...
GMTV did a piece this morning on emigrating to Canada. My sister looked into it but decided that the kids would miss the family too much, but are regretting it now! But for the first time I'm actually...
Hi everyone, We have recently given a home to a little pup but are having real trouble with our six year old. He clearly has a fear of dogs and I just don't know what to do to try and reassure him...
Hello. I would like to write a letter to an actress that I really admire. Does anybody know what the best way to do this is? Should I just find out who their agent is, and send to them, for forwarding...
Hi everyone I'm a bit of a newbie to the joys of ebay :( but recently bought 3 pairs of shoes from one seller (a shop) who agreed via ebay to only charge me one lot of postage for buying all 3 pairs...
Hi, i was wondering if you knew of any web sites that could give style and colour ideas as i am redecorating my bedroom and other people's ideas always look more stylish.
My candle wax has just ran off a shelf and all down my magnolia walls, took majority of it off with a blunt breadknife (which always takeslumpy bits off) but this as usual has left a great big long...