When teaching my sister to use a cooking recipe, My sister said "Use a knob of butter, what is a knob?" And mum said without batting an eye "I will show you how to measure a Knob"
I was behind a lorry,and i was thinking well he was driving so there was a sign saying "Well driven ring 0800 etc" so i rang this number to tell them i thought it was well driven. But i was...
Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. He looked up and said weakly: 'I have something I must confess.' 'There's no need to, 'his wife replied. 'No,' he insisted, 'I want to die in peace. I...
I was at Asda yesterday, this thick Fluffin' chav bitch was on the check-out, face like a slapped elbow and all the charisma of a jellied eel. I came to pay, I had only bought milk and bread but had...
i must have clicked a site to clean up my PC which i canceled,But now every time i switch on my PC this wretched site comes on first asking me again. How can i get rid. Please help thx...
I have 2 cars, Car 1 i want to keep on the road until i can find a buyer for it. Car 2 i want to use it daily. Can i insure both cars using my full no claims benefit from car one, and then cancel it...
In the summer i built 2 block pillars, buu have had white patches appearing on them , which i masonary painted over. Now in this wet weather the patches are bigger and are a slimy sort of stuff. Any...
My son has recently started at the local comp. Every morning at class role call he becomes the class laughing stock and the teacher takes no notice. Our surname is Soles and my son is called Richard....