Just spent about 1 hour fixing the internet on my computer, then it wouldn't open up my documents or any programs, so spent another half an hour fixing that. All whilst next door have got a bonfire,...
Just spent about 1 hour fixing the internet on my computer, then it wouldn't open up my documents or any programs, so spent another half an hour fixing that. All whilst next door have got a bonfire,...
ok you lefty lot, you insist they a very small percentage of the population, the officiial figures are out now, consult the daily mail (yes the demonic one!) more than 20% of crime in london is...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/ 6944931.stm before the general public decide that they have to protect them selves? Do you get the sense that society is on the brink of a terrifying...
Youths (or yoofs) threw rubbish through the open passenger window of a car in Crystal Palace, Sarf London laak innit. When the driver got out to complain/remonstrate/whatever, he was killed. Fair...
Anyone seen this Incredible footage ? some lios attack a baby buffalo, chase it int a river, a crocodile intervenes, the lions pull the buffalo out of the water, then the herd of buffalo attack the...
I bumped into my ex at Sainsburys a few hours ago... and I saw his girlfriend and their new little baby who is a cutie and only 2 weeks old. I was actually happy for them both. Was nice to see. I feel...
a father killed in warrington for trying to stop some typical british thugs vandalising his car and a digger in a neighbours driveway. he did what anyone would . now hes dead. attacked it seems by 9...
I see bikes are the latest fad of the moment . But im not sure what the benefits of having a bike are?I ve heard that if you ride it regulary its good for you. They say a good session on a bike keeps...
Bloody hell, hackers can easily get into all of your accounts. note to all hackers: Answerbank is unsafe with many security flaws. Try exploiting the search, music or news sections.
If Patrick Walsh has pushed the burglar from his window ledge, should he be punished, or has he used reasonable force? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml =/news/2007/08/10/nintruder110.xml...