- is the greatest threat to the World - is a threat to Europe far exceeding Nazism - is unstoppable - is just about the first time in history that the British Government by posotove discrimination is...
I read in suggestions there are other chat sites where people are nice to each other. So far I have only seen arguements and bad feeling here. If anyone knows of any other sites would you let me know...
Looked forward to them coming back for a new season, i am admitted that i was not impressed with there show, got really bored with the jiggy bank which was in spain, and a b...y shed in new york, ,...
Billy was at school this morning and the teacher asked all the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came out - Fireman, policeman, salesman, chippy, captain of...
A father asked his 10 year old son if he knew about the birds and the bees. "I don't want to know!" the child said, bursting into tears. Promise me you won't tell me."Confused, the father asked what...
I have Goldeneye on VHS, DVD and DVD Special Edition yet I am sat at home watching it on ITV. I have to sit through a plethora of commercial breaks, some violent scene edits and not as crisp a picture...
Hi, I was driving my friends vehicle and had all of his details (address etc etc). I was stopped the other day claiming that i have no insurance, which my friend did have (as far as i know) - I was...
Ok, last night I went out with E, L and J. We met up with S, her boyfriend M and his mate A. S has been with M about 8-9months. Her relationships normally last about 2months as she loses interest. S...
Why is it everytime someone has a pop at you or mentions the word "ahem" you automatically think it`s me then start talking about my wife? If you`d only shown more interest in your own woman you...
I have no knowledge of benefits since I have worked for the last 15 years. Does anyone know what happens if you become too ill to work, and are employed part-time and self-employed part -time, and...
I am most heartened to see that The Diana Memorial Fund is marking the 10th anniversary of the Princess's death by earmarking up to ?10 million of its remaining ?25 million funds on promoting the...
my x partner is being taken to court and charged with bail for abh, attempted kidnap against me, drink driving, driving with no insurance and driving without consent will he be sent to prison he...
...it's so easy to use. Can't you take a look at their scheme, and see if you can't tweak your site a little bit? I like the AB site, but find it really difficult and slow to use.