My very soon to be, and portly boy cat, will be turning 15 years. However, roughly over the past 6-9 months, he hasn't wanted to go out much. He loved the outdoors and always climbed trees/fences.... ...
Earlier today, I went to collect some laundry from the baskets. Walking downstairs, with an arm ful of Mr T's clothes, I thought, I'd recognise that smell anywhere. Suddenly, into my head popped a... ...
I was looking for a good loo cleaner, so I asked a lady at the supermarket, "which is the best stuff for cleaning the loo" she said "ammonia cleaner" I said "sorry I thought you worked... ...
My husband has just collected two worming tablets and six flea treatment tablets from the vet for my two dogs - that's one worming tablet and three flea treatment tablets each. Cost £116. With... ...
What did the Mayonnaise say when the refrigerator door was opened?. " Close the door i am dressing." When you die, what part of the body dies last?. The... ...
Dingbat help please. The word "TOASTER" printed horizontally. With a "D" above the "A" and a "D" below, spelling "DAD" downwards. any help appreciated and will post answer... ...
Ok. Two days in a row I need help. The dingbat consists of two images. 1) A big toe or a thumb (not sure which). and... 2) A key (off a computer keyboard) with an "O" on it. As ever, any help... ...
Completing a music based village quiz and looking for help on a few questions please. All answers are music groups. Thanks Q1. Williams’s sibling (2 words). Q2. Spring alcohol (2 words). Q3. My Dad... ...
I have a clue : Cut off in China (6) The letters I have are: ? r ?e ? d. I can only think of Friend. If this is correct could some one kindly parse the answer. I can only think of Cockney... ...