Can anyone help me? My brother, who is only 19, was admitted to hospital 3 weeks ago for a routine knee operation that he should have recovered from two days later. Three weeks on and he has no...
Thank you Linzi84 and Little Lady for answering my query on nails. Is there any long term damage to the nails if i have gel nails?Is ?40 the average price to pay? That's what they charge in the salon...
What is an average salary for someone in their 20's to be on with a BA Hons Degree? I'm currently working but feel a bit shortchanged. I wanted job satisfaction above all else but now i've realised...
i am after a good cd of stand up comedy to listen to in my car, any suggestions guys? i got peter kay, jim carrey and robin williams. Quite like jimmy carr but not sure if he has one out. cheers guys!...
Please help! If i took a job that is through an employment agency and it's permanent full time, does that mean i would be on the agency payroll or the company payroll? i would be attending interviews...
I truly believe that Michael Jackson is innocent and that the whole thing is set up. It is a sick money making scam by some sad individuals. Does anyone agree?Who will be wearing white tomorrow to...
I have a Sharp GX10i locked on Vodaphone. Is there any way of unlocking the phone so i can use O2? If so, how much does this cost? I don't want to pay too much!
I really suffer with excema and at this time of year it gets really dry and cracks. It is very red and itchy with tiny blisters all over my left hand. I have tried all the creams going at the Doctors...
I want to clear both my credit cards by transferring them to one credit card. Then I can destroy my cards and pay off just one payment a month. I have heard that by transferring you don't always have...
Help AB's, anyone know how to get irn-bru out of a beige carpet? I've just spilt it and i can't find anything on the net. The carpet is only 1 week old. I've posted on Home and Garden and i know this...
Hi everyone, i need help with a rather strange request! Does anyone know of anywhere that sells all in one pyjama suits for adults that do up at the front? Like what babies wear...them babysuit...
I have just joined hotmail and i have a address. Is this normal? I thought hotmail addresses were Can someone please explain this to me?