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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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hahaha...I'm sorry Jude but I've spluttered my lemon curd tart all over the keyboard laughing at your mis-spelt name, it could have been worse...Pummeller?
There's more :~)
It all started here.
My son and his wife picked me up and we went to a stately home call Drogo Castle. It was only built in the last century but was very interesting.
We spent some time there and had a lovely walk with lovely views of the edge of Dartmoor.
For lunch we went into a village called Chagford The restaurant was called 22 Mill Street. I can't tell you what I had in the words of the menu
(can't remember the fancy names) but in my English I had Assorted home made breads withhome made butter then a Tai and saffron soup in very small cup, then smoked salmon with salad greens. May main course was pea rissotto very tasty I managed to resist the lovely deserts and had a mini cheese board with 8 different cheeses on it with grapes. It was a great meal. Oh yes and we rounded it off with a nice cup of coffee. I bet that 'farmer's wife' on CB could give the fancy names ~ or could she.
A few more photos we were at the table at the back. this was the bank in the village How quaint I thought anyway.

lovely Jude...I'll get a cup of pg while I wait for pt 2...
Even More:- It's like being at school writing an essay!!
When we had finished our lunch and had a really good chat, we headed for Widdicombe (of the fair fame) and Bovey Tracey. My son said we would go part way over Dartmoor. It was lovely, heather and gorse in abundance and I felt really happy. Oh yes and sheep and cows and ponies.. Great. Took me back to when I holidayed down in Devon many times. Some really good memories.
This is Widdicombe Church. We had a walk round the village and a look round the church which to me, not being a churchgoer, I found surprisingly interesting. I do appreciate the buildings and objects inside.
Next stop was Bovey Tracey. There is a Craft place which was also interesting.Displaying works by local crafts people and artists.
It sounds like we were dashing about all day but we weren't. The places we went to weren't that far apart, the longest drive was over the Moor. It was a very easy going day.
Well that's it, my day ended here. it's an old picture but better than the present day station.
Went to bed at 11.00 and woke up at 7.30 on Thursday morning. The longest sleep I've had for years.:~)

The sun is now shining brilliantly! Innit Robi...
my, I am impressed with these glimpses into other people's lives. Robi, your experiences sound appalling - looks like we're lucky to have you with us. Jude, you clearly had a wonderful day, what a pretty town. I went to Castle Drogo once - of course it was barely finished that long ago... but I remember the architect also designed half of New Delhi (the posh half, not the shanty towns).

Woofy, what an organised room, imagine anyone asking if you kno where anything is. That is clearly the room of a person who knows where everything is. I am not about to turn a camera on my own indoor jungle.
Try again for Widdicombe church
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Jude it sounds like you had a lovely time. The food sounds like something off celeb masterchef. Robi I have nothing to add to what everyone else has said except to say thank you for telling puts my worries into sudden sharp perspective (hug)
Yes...oddly i do know where most of my stuff is. I have to keep the tiny work area scrupulously tidy though (ha ha I never keep anywhere tidy, ask DH)
Time for a cuppa methinks! Thanks for the Note Pad tip Robi really helpful.

A prettier condom dress.

Oh robi, that sounds truly awful, and yes, stubborn is the way to beat it all, I guess. Well done you.

So so hot here today can hardly move anywhere Hija drove my sister and her granddaughter and myself to next willage (Es Cana) for a change and we ate in an incredibly cheap cafe and the food was nice and fresh. 4 meals chicken breast etc with chips (what else) and 8 soft drinks £14! Not bad, am now resting even too hot to get into pool!
Can some kind soul please tell me what keys to press for € sign as cannot keep going into Accessories + system tools + character map all the damn time!!
If that was an easy going day Jude, I can't imagine what a busy one in your life is like :o). Love the names of places down there, I think them thar yokels just throw the aphabet up in the air & see what name forms when they land. Widdicombe? about Biddycombe... Giddycombe? :o)

Yes it's so humid now, the sun's it isn't...yes it is...

I think I'll have to round up my teddies for a group photograph...hope they haven't got galloping wooly bears...

neti on my keyboard I hold down Ctrl and Alt & press the number 4
€ € € €
Just glimpsed through and got the general gist and will come back later for a good read. You lot have been busy today.

My teddies will be assembled for a photo shoot at some time. Meanwhile, I look forward to seeing Robi's 'hot Rabbit'!!
€€€€€€€€€€€ (reply to Robi ^)
Afternoon biddies and hippie. Glad to be of amusement to you, as my Mum used to say ha ha. I should probably have said "very fine elastic threads" but then again had I done that I wouldn't have got to see your condom dresses and Lottie's Private Dick story which I loved ha ha! Lottie I'd post a pic if my camera didn't take 15 hours to charge the batteries... but you wouldn't see the ru-uu-uh-oh-elastic threads anyway, it's not like they make a visible difference, it's just the way the shawl feels when you handle or wear it. Here is, however, my September scarf - I'll lay my hands on it just as soon as the department store in question notify me they've arrived. They had one left but the red had bled into the tip of the tail. Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Donna Wilson Fox Scarf (it's very finely knitted so it's more like a September muffler than a scarf) - isn't it adorable?? top left http://www.donnawilso...ry.php?id_category=25

"Aren't you my Aunt?" just may work for me, Woofy, it's kind of absurd, and, so, easy to remember. But it's not the same in American English is it, sigh... (Aren't you my Aunt from Over There?

Loved all your piccies and vids. What a good clip of Angie, Vinny. I really love Mick, not just drool love but I really like him so much. Jno never seen anything like your pole dancers - I only noticed towards the end that THE CEILING is padded??? Pamilar I love a story that begins with "It all started here". Lovely day you had:) Look at that white horse by the church! And jno 'Ange ou Demon' ha ha! Gonna make a cup of coffee now and enter Woofy's Teddy Room:)
tut...just before Lottie's comment draws a crowd may I please make it clear it's the same as the one on the left
haha, very quirky Kit, bit expensive on there though...heavens to betsy £326.96 for a pouffe called Ernest :o)
What do you think about my scarf?
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Robi I have enough trouble with my own without taking on an extra pair...Kit that fox scarf is divine..bit expensive though....
LOL Robi at your scarf. Who'd dare where one like that. Prob on a Hen night!
That's a good name for our next abode Robi. No matter what it is about We should make everybod a resident of Biddycombe.
Didn't notice the man on the white horse Kit.I didn't take that photo or the one inside the restaurant, but the rest I did.
Just had a text from my sister inviting me to a party at hers tomorrow night. I think a botttle of red will suffice. Lookinjg forward to it. Haven't been to a party for ages. Her birthday was last Wednesday and she's just moved house so it could be a celebration of both.
I can't find the expensive scarf you mentioned Robi on Kit's link will have to go and have another look.
Later 'gater(s)

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