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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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Soooooo, you think that's your new aviator do you Vincent? I should cocoa! :o)

....<pauses while Kit googles>....

Actually she's quite tasteful, not one of those droopy trollops. It's almost like looking in the mirror, apart from not being blonde, hehe. I googled blonde nymph & it said 'do you mean blonde nympho?'.....hahahahaha, so the two go hand in hand do they?
shame, I think a discreet little flower print is always in style
(Phew got away with it) (:O)
dig that trumpet man..!must get the CD.
Finally jno posts a piccy of herself :o)
love those clips, Vinny (though I don't normally approve of upskirt shots)
Nah Robi you've conditioned me not to google your expressions and words, only 5% of them are to be found in dictionaries anyway>>>>> In fact, not even your television references seem to hold water these days

Amazing trumpet Vinny. Did you know Duke Ellington did some work with a Swedish singer called Alice Babs (Neti I think she lives in Spain) and according to this YouTube poster "he has said that when she did not sing the parts that he wrote for her, he had to use three different singers".
Alice Babbs was a well cool chick kip...magic voice.
something a little more Herbal for me before I wrap up this pee pot of a day...downstairs lights have tripped off & I've no intention of investigating the reason tonight so they can stay off...the socket circuit's ok obviously, I'm not pedalling my own generator here... :o)
Good morning all, hope you are all well and happy.

Can anyone help. I went into daughter's laptop and can't turn it off now, it's windows 7 and when I go into "start" it doesn't say "turn off computer" anywhere, and I don't hink I am supposed just to switch it off from the on/off switch or can I ?
Found this neti

Sun's shining ...well it is outside, but it ain't in my heart :o) I need to shake myself, I'm sliding into a slough of despond.... Better go & wash my barnet before the leccy goes into meltdown.
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Good morning all., didn't go out early today. Dear dog was sick in the night so I sorted that and must have turned off the alarm and rolled over dogs didn't wake either so we all had a lie in, they are back asleep again. DH never stirred....might nod off myself....
I suspect neti clicked on 'hibernate' and we won't see her again until March. I intended to have some sleep myself last night but I don't think I got around to it. The sun's trying to shine, which is nice from a garden party point of view, but I hope I don't fall asleep on my feet and land in the trifle.
I have had a catch up and by the time I had reached the last thread I had forgotten what I had read. Oh dear, it's me age. One thing that will be in my mind for ever is Woofy's craft room. Fabulous, and much nicer and neater than this 'glory hole' (ha ha) in which I now sit, which seems to be full up with books and computer parapha...........paraparafaa................
junk dating back to the 80's. I keep threatening Mr LL about this room and his so called junk filled garage, but words fall on deaf ears.

Poor Robi, you must miss your son and his family, I know I would. Hugs sent over the air to you.

Am really suffering at the mo with Arthur Itis and IBS (apparently they can be linked). Spent a lot of yesterday falling asleep. I could hardly put my feet to the ground, let alone go for a walk or work in the garden. I have to admit to spending the day in my long kaftan (which has replaced my nighty for day wear!) On Friday a friend told me I looked tired and pale and I now feel worse!! Mr LL has gone out for the day to Grantham with Master LL to look for a new motor for master LL so I can do as I please (well I can anyway actually).

I am going to now have some breakfast and perhaps will try to potter outside, but inside is a mess. I couldn't even manage to push a hoover round yesterday.

Love you all.

Hope you and Mr Shaney are OK and same goes for Woof and Mr Woof.

It's absolutely lovely weather here, clear blue skies and sunshine and the horrible humidity of the last few days has gone - it wont last!!!
yes jno, I think someone keeps hitting my hibernate button 'cos my brain keeps shutting down...have a good time, any left over trifle gratefully received.

Sorry 'bout the poorly dog, woofy. Charlie was very restless last night funnily enough & decided to wee on the best bit of carpet...I put the big light on to start cleaning & off it was like one of those bad dreams, haha. I'm not going to bother with the electrics until tomorrow.

oooh, Tarquin's having a party with seals on Mull at the moment
Robi, Boxtops has posted you a pattern on the Rob Brydon thread!!! I am going to have to knit one. I shall call it Robi and he will have pride of place in my house and when I look at it I will think of you. xxx
My cat was really sick and had the squits as well yesterday. Must be the weather :o(
you sneaked in there Lotters...don't you just love it when someone says 'you look tired'? haha

If anyone wants get crafty & knit 'me' there's a pattern here
oh, heck Lottie, you type toooooooooo fast ! Yes I found the pic+pattern ages ago, don't know why I didn't use him before, he makes me smile
P.S. Enjoy yourself jno. Are you going in the flowery bra ensemble!!

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