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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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pashmina doesn't seem to mean pashmina any more - it's just an all-purpose word for shawl and it can be made of anything. I think the Pashminites should demand that the word be made a registered trade mark like cheddar or champagne or something.
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The ones on the website say they are genuine pashmina, the certainly feel and behave differently from the ones I have bought elsewhere...very soft and distinctly cosy
Mornin all..
Tis foggy ere in Biddycombe with that devon mist floating about.
A Banana's a berry...and a tomato....ey..Im not watching that Q.I thingy anymore...they make it up as they go along..!:O)I bought a coconut plant from lidls...its 7 ft tall but no instructions how to look after it.So I googled and apart from red spider mites and the chance of it surviving is nil unless ive got the same tempertures as kew gardens im quite pleased with it...£5:99 it was.(:O)love your pics jude...Exeter st davids is the one I use to swap trains to london etc.Dartmoors a magical place but I do love Exmoor.Clever girl woofy,looks like a brill you sell them at markets..?I had me crown refitted jno on wednesday ,had to wait 3 weeks for a new one and they put a long pole in it this time...still bloody hurts....
Im off to biddycombe market...later>>>(
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No Vinny, I don't sell anywhere, its just my stress reliever. How long a pole did they put in did it go right down your neck lol?
Morning euromillions so it's just another soggy day in paradise then. Well it's brightening up now but we had heavy rain overnight.
Nowhere near as bad as poor Tarquin's weather though, he had to take refuge in a B&B last night. He's on Uist & there were severe gales, gusts of 70mph+, and everything came to a standstill. Luckily a kind lorry driver took him and another cyclist out of the wilderness and into civilisation so they could have a proper roof over their heads....erm, assuming it wasn't blown off. I s'pect they're nailed down tight in the Hebrides but I doubt their cats sleep up there...? :o/
You'd love it here Neti, it's frog city, I've hardly been able to put my feet down on the path these past two nights.

That's good news jno....oh and not so good about the toof. I think you'll have to start wearing one of those pelican bibs to catch them as they fall out.

I love the two tone shawls woofy... so their obviously reliable then? I won't find my bank account empty...sorry emptier...a few days after ordering? I'm a bit paranoid about internet shopping

Good luck with the coconut might need another chimbley or two...and a patio heater or three...I'll send you an old duvet for it :o)

Jude! BGTY = no salt, no sugar, no fat, no taste, no buy :o)
The difference between knowledge and wisdom:

Knowledge is being aware that a tomato is really a fruit.

Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
hehe.! yes woofy.but im not showing it to one of jnos dancers !(:O)
now where was I going?booger it.i'll.have another coffee...
im not very wise or knowledgable jno...
1/2 large watermelon in rind, (cut into slices)
6 small tomatoes, quartered
1 handful fresh basil leaves, cut into fine strips
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar,
x salt and black pepper...Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise, and then crosswise into 1/4″ slices. Cut off the rind.

Arrange the watermelon slices on a platter. Top with the tomato quarters and the basil and mint strips. Drizzle with the olive oil and vinegar. Sprinkle with a bit of salt and serve.
.lovely jubly(:O)
I've just realised I haven't had a melon all summer...I eat lots & lots of toms though, if they cut me in half I'll probably be full of seeds :o) I don't know about wise, not particularly knowledgeable...I'll settle for being intuitive, it seems to get me through.
I ♥ QI, one of my all time favourites, I watch the repeats on Dave...the funniest episode was the one where Alan talks about making a porno film in space, I just about know the script but it still makes me laugh.
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I've always used paypal to pay so no scam problems. They deliver quickly and I have always been impressed with the quality for the price. They make excellent gifts, posh, inexpensive and postable!
Afternoon all. I've managed to get my washing dry between the showers. It's now started raining again.
Like the bit of wisdom from you Jno I shall save that one for future reference. I have a little book I put all sorts of saying and quotes in that appeal to me. One I like is "the naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie" and following that "Never explain, your friends don't need it and your enemies wont believe you"
I like QI as well Robi that is when I'm in a watching telly mood which I'm not at the mo. I've not even got back into UC Shaney have you? I say to myself I will watch it then I forget to switch it on.
Woofy - Can I ask please is that really your 'craft centre' ? I couldn't make my mind up whether you were having a bit of fun with us.
Robi, my BGTY purchases only goes so far as the tins of soup which really do have a good flavour. I think if you go for all that kind of thing and say Taste The Difference you can get stung with the price and it's sometimes not as good as the normal stuff.
The other day I stood in Sainsburys with my phone /calculator out checking if I got a better deal buying 2 small Fairy Liquids than 1 large one. Believe it or not it was cheaper to buy the 2 small ones because they were a £1 each less 60p. I reckon they just wanted to get rid of them. I did it in my head at first and couldn't believe I'd got it right so got me calculator out to check.
My sister's party starts at 4 so it sounds like a barbi, knowing her but I doubt we will be outside as it's really dull and rainy now. Don't know what to wear. Bought a top which I haven't taken the label off yet just in case so I might put that on and see how I feel.
Off to make a drink now
Have a good rest of the day y'all! That's how they say it in yankeeland isn't it.
that sounds nice Vinny. I suppose watermelons grow wild in Woolly, but not here. Looking very grey at the mo. By tomorrow it should be thundering down, which is a shame as we are going to a garden party in the next block.
Hello all, so hot here am resting in cool boudoir! Mr N finally got the ladder up to mousey last night and the damned cat ignored him and jumped down the other side!

jno, or anyone, without doing anythingnillegal can nyou hint broadly as to the name of the premier football player who has won a secrecy order. In a long term relationship and one child? I think wayne runnie!
Afternoon Pamilar & the Pashminas. I'm getting worried about Mousey - shall I bring you a ladder Neti? I think I saved a dog's life a couple of weeks ago. Lateish in the evening I heard that horrible sound of a dog in death agony being attacked by another dog in the park, outside my window. I know how hard it is to pull them apart and I don't think I'd have dared try had I been down there but I remembered my eldest sis had told me it's sometimes possible to break up a dog fight by lifting the attacker by his hind legs so I shouted for king and country from my window to do that - and seconds later I saw a "Daddy" lift his dog up into his arms. It was kinda dusky so I'm not sure how it happened but I really think it was my doing. I recognise one of the dogs and his owner so I'll ask about it the next time I see them.

You sell anything at the market, Vinny?

Woofy you've lost me - you own a ship?? (Stupid foreigner, she must have said something else... but what...?)

nom nom nom
There you are Neti! She's all right then:)

Defend yourselves! http://www.theanswerb...k/Question929531.html
I've found out exactly what Vinny's selling down the market Sweedie...tut! that's the last one I knit for him...


cute video :o)

You've got to watch these so called offers Jude, I bought myself a nifty little calculator to take shopping :o)
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No Kit I don't own a ship. DH used to be in the British merchant navy, first on cargo ships then on oil tankers and I used to travel with him.
Jude its not a joke (although DH thinks its funny) that really is my craft room..I amassed that much stuff over many years, its only now being retired that I have time to actually do stuff with it. The bear collection also spans years, my hug is now officially closed, although if the right bear came along........
Another QI fan Rob Brydon and Alan Davis...also the bloke who was the GP in that series about the women's institute....Jam and Jerusalem.
Waitrose healthy stuff, can't remember what its called, do a yummy chicken tikka masala and my sis loves the M and S count on us king prawn curry but I never am able to find it.
Oh I see, Woofy. BTW it was myself I was referring to with the foreigner remark, hope that was clear...!

Lol at Vinny at the market:-D What did your fashionista sistah have to say about this, Robi http://www.huffington...o-dress_n_685925.html

Train your brains biddies? This is really fun You have to register and it's only free for a short period (seven days I think) but it's worth the trouble. I've thoroughly enjoyed it, guess I'll enjoy it a bit less now that Robi will be posting on here that she just unlocked the 12412th level... ;-)
testing new aviator..(:O)
I couldn't get on with J&J woofy but I've had a look & see you mean David Mitchell ...yes, he's hilarious, one of my favourite funny men as well as the 2 you mentioned. Do you watch 'Would I lie to you'? (it was on last night) it's so funny especially since Rob Brydon's been the host.

Sister's on holiday Kit so she's probably taking the watsit out of the designer brigade on Guernsey.... My opinion is that it's a grim dress but great shoes. There's a line between looking trendy in floral & totally frumpy. I don't think I've had anything with flowers on since the 70s. Oh, tell a lie, a few yrs ago I had a satiny top with an oriental type print, beautiful colours on a black background, I love it but I doubt I'd get in it now.

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