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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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he he!!
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Good morning all have just woken up again, this time for good I think...have taken DH tea in bed and I think he's dozed again, the dogs are amusing themselves quietly in the garden...I probably should go for paper....
Morning Woofy xx
no, when I am old I shall wear taupe, as the poem goes.

Here's a headline from the Observer's website - it's about a musician's suicide but in spite of that I was giggling at the wording

"Lead singer of pop group Ou Est Le Swimming Pool jumped from telecoms mast at Pukkelpop festival"

Terrifically poor taste on my part, obviously.
Yes jno, be ashamed...<stifled snigger>....I doubt any one's humour's in poorer taste than mine, I couldn't possibly post some of the things that make me laugh.

woofy please don't tell us you've a room full of newspapers. The paper rounds are obviously tough these days, this morning I saw a local 'paper boy' totter up a path with a stick, tottered back & got on his mobi scooter & whizzed off....he looked about 80 :o)
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lol Robi, no the paperboy around here turn up at lunchtime if at all so we go out and buy the end we all went out, shopped, bought the dogs hamburgers and have just arrived home. Dinner (roast chicken) is in the oven and we have cups of tea....aaaah sunday.....
Paperboy, what's a paperboy? No-one delivers anything to us. Never have!! Mind you in some ways not getting rubbish put through the door and people knocking to sell you stuff or Jehovah's witnesses, etc. is quite nice.

Oh we did have a milkman years ago, but the milk always arrived about midday and had gone off by the time I got home in the summer. No milkman comes our way now!!

The first time I have been on a bus in years and years was in Lowestoft a couple of years ago. I got quite excited!!
Excitement Lowestoft Lofty ? lol..the most exciting thing is the fish market :))

Hope you are all OK . Nothing exciting happening here .It's been really hot the last couple of days with a really warm gale force wind blowing non stop ,extremely wearing .
Flash floods threatened now though and three inches of rain .I'd better find my canoe and keep an eye on the ruddy ceiling again in case.
Take care folks xx
Possums. Are you training your brains yet? Word of warning about that site, Lumosity (sic!): They will at some point ask you for your email password (sic!!!) Don't give it out, of course. I just clicked the request away without studying their reasons for asking but I think they want to do a Facebook and match you up with your contacts. No way José. Nowadays I create a new Yahoo account for every site I want to join... but having said that, I still highly recommend that you try the Lumosity games. There's a birdwatching game that most of you will love!

Have a nice time tonight jno. I misread and thought you were saying you would be wearing a toupée ha ha ha! (The Swedish version of the French word is spelled with just one E.) Reminded me of that time I found an abandoned leaflet in a shopping cart on How to Care for Your New Wig, it made for a riveting read, I tell you, buying a wig must be like bringing a pet into the house.

Seems to me now your crip dream was prophetic, Robi - Do Not Use the Leccy...?

Good to see you about, Shaney - now go to Lumosity and watch some birds:)
Hi shaney, good to see you passing through. We'll ask to have a moving pavement installed in our threads so you can hop on & give us a wave at regular intervals. Keep smiling. x

When I first lived here there was a separate delivery man for lots of things, even though the shops are only a few minutes walk...milk, bread & cakes etc, fish, eggs, pop, plus all the usuals, Kleeneeze, the occasional carpet sales, Avon (bloody nuisance she was ;o) ). I still have a milkman, he's a nice guy, lifesaver sometimes especially in winter as you can order all sorts of extras (leave it), chs, bread, potatoes, eggs, yogs etc. etc. but I don't buy papers anymore.

Sweedie to make you happy I did the bird thing - 100%! - <bet she won't believe me>. BUT you do know we've had them before? See! they're a waste of time, or you'd remember,, was it me who posted them? mmmm, might have been shaney? I rest my case. Apparently the best thing for your brain is physical excercise so I'll have a look for a virtual running machine for us. :o)
I'm staring at a very hard cryptic crossword at the mo whilst waiting for my chook to cook . Those birds fazed me completely Kit .I have poor hand to eye co.ordination when it comes to this sort of thing on the computer .I don't really enjoy computer games .I'm not quick enough with the mousey .I invariably score minus about two thousand .

Oh the days of delivery men Robinia .My Mum used to have everything delivered back in the year dot .

Are you feeling under the weather lass ? My knuckles look like balloons..Rain on the way.Pee bo etc :) Although it's still sunny here at the mo'.
I hope Jno's got a big brolly with her at her party just in case .You can't have soggy canapes.
afternoon! thanks for that link Robi and yes it was Vista that I was on about. Unfortunaely whatever I ytried to do went wrong and I locked her computer so nothing more could be done. I think she was slightly the worse for wear when she arrived as she went onto her computer and didn't notice that anything was amiss! phew relief!!! I only used it cos I was in her room last night watching a dvd and fell asleep, so didn't want to waken Mr N. We had been out for dinner, 10 of us and we got through 8 bottles of wine! Then this lunchtime we took my sister and bro-in-law into the country for a rustic lunch, I expect I am piling on the pounds as I type. Wednesday back to salads!!

I think you are all mad! and I cyber love you all!!!!
Ha ha ha no Robi I DIDN'T remember that...! How very disturbing. Eh... eh... *think, Kit, think!* eh... the only explanation I can see is that Lumosity constantly advertises on a site called zefrank which was posted on the biddies by MOI and so I must have thought oh look the biddies finally noticed the ads;-) As Jude says, "that's my version and I'm sticking to it";-) 100% on WHAT, you, they separate between remembering the letters, spotting the birds and how accurately you mark them - you weren't 100% on all three were you?? Were you, were you? *god that woman is annoying*

I'm fazed by anything to do with arithmetics Shaney, I totally can't count at all and I do mean AT ALL. I'm like the gravest case of dyslexia only with numbers Drags my scores down dramatically whatever test I take. But I'm good at logical reasoning which ought to be related so I'm not sure if it's dyscalculia in the clinical sense or if I just had bad teachers, all I know is if you ever need to stop me you don't have to point at me with a gun and yell Freeze, just say Which is more, 5x7 or 11x2...

I do however have a rough idea of what 8 bottles of wine divided by 10 people is...
Erm, that "you" should have read "you fibber" but I went to look fibber up just to make sure I had the right word and then when I did have the right word I forgot to actually put it in my post.
I want my Lumosity money back.

(No I didn't join - just want it back in a metaphorical sense.)
Haha..Kit .... 8 bottles of wine divided by 10 people
Substitute one bottle of whisky divivded by one :))
Yes, yes neti, we love you too...Out of sheer bogglement I googled 'rustic lunch'...
okaaaaay....<and she says WE're mad>...

shaney I've had to kick my own backside (picture that?) through the day and I feel mentally, but not necessarily physically, better than when I started. It's been lovely to have wall to wall sunshine..if only every day until November could be the same.

Sweedie I only did the birds. I lost concentration after that and there was 2 cms of space left in the brown bin which I felt compelled to fill - collection day tomorrow. So now I've got an almighty itchy rash up my arms from snipping woody plants and I reek of rosemary, lavender & fennel...just call me patpourri :o)
I'm ok at 'rithmetic as long as it's not a brain fog day

oh dear, speaking of fog, sister's trapped on Guersey it's really bad ...if they don't leave tonight the next scheduled flight's on Wed :o/
flash flood warnings in East Anglia, I see. I hope any biddies in the area have their food supplies tucked safely in their dinghies
Evenin' Biddymates..I've arrived and to prove it I'm 'ere.I've caught up with all your posts and really don't know where to start to comment. Good to see you Shaney and like Robi says 'Keep smiling'. Easy for me to say, I know. Jno hope your 'garden party' went well. My party at my sisters turned out brilliant even though it was raining part of the time she had gazebos up! It started at 4 and I left about 10.30. My sis didn't do a barbi she did paella with chicken and cherizo (Spllg!) and peppers etc.Also a veggie curry and all the extras then after a variety of deserts. I behaved and had fruit. It was a really enjoyable day and all four of us were there so we had to take photos of us 4 together.(doesn't happen often) I would so love to show you one of the 4 of us. The only photo I can show you is the one of my brother as he is on YouTube and wouldn't mind me putting it on
Woofy great pictures of your 'crafty' places. My eldest sis is getting really good at Tatting now and did a lovely card for our other sister for her birthday. She never buys cards now.
Lottie I either walk or go on the bus (pass) now. I do drive as well but only when I have to go to friends and pubs in Derbyshire. Oh yes and Tai Chi and shopping. I only have The Sunday paper delivered now. I don't have any other Nationals. Just the Derby Telegraph. Sorry you've not been feeling up to par today Robi but like you say it has been good weatherwise which does help.
To be continued: -
Continued: -
And Kit I haven't had time to look at the 'games' link yet but will report in later about it.
I love Cryptic Crosswords Shaney especially the Skeleton in todays express. I have a go every week. It's very hard as well. Have you been watching UC lately?
Hope I haven't missed anybody. OOops Sorry Vinny and Neti Hope you've had a good day too.
I've had a Frank Sinatra Day today I played most of the CDs I have of him and then some Michael Bubbbly. Got a bit 'you know' listening to some of Sinatra's stuff. My husband really like him and bought some of is LPs, which I still have, as they were in those days.
I'm off now for. you've guessed it I bet, a cuppa!
Later 'gater(s) xx

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