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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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is there something interesting on R&D? It's mostly just teenage angst, plus a few women who really do need to get out fast.

Glad to hear you're rabies-free, Lottie, I was going to suggest sqad pop round and inspect your mouth, though obviously there would have been some modest risk involved.
Now don't come the innocent jno, I saw you in there handing out aspirin.

No shaney, if you want to read the confessions of a middle aged net curtain twitcher from Derby you'll have to wait 'til I'm gone & the book comes out ;o)
oh, I didn't realise that was in R&D, just something I clicked on in Latest Posts that turned out to be a couple of weeks old... so that's the worst you could find there? The condition of humanity must be improving. I find myself wondering if these AB relationships are actually happening or if they're just an online joke. CD and Snags are definitely an item, but the others, I don't know...
Jno are priceless :))
Oh .....Pee Bo Belly, and bugger it .. etc ..It's absolutely chucking it down in stair rods ..Good job I got the washing in .
yes pe po... it's just flung it down here...and more to come by the look of things.
Well I've just spent the last hour on the phone to my sister so upstairs hasn't got cleaned...again. Oh dear I can't do it now, my vac doesn't work after 4.30pm.
I have my doubts about another AD romance. I think the people involved might in fact be in the singular!!

I am back, scabies and rabies free. Have to go back in a couple of weeks. It is most likely to be bites from an insect that I have developed a lurgy to, and I am to douse myself in insect repellent, keep taking Pirton and putting on itchy cream and HC2.

Would you believe I have trawled Fakenham for insect repellent (well not Boots because you can't get served in there in under an hour) and there is none. The chances are I will be allergic to the ruddy spray anyway.

Just going over for a peep in relationships!!
And pee bo belly flops or whatever - I got in the car before the rain came down in stair-rods, managed to run to the front door and all my food shopping is still in the boot (where it will stay until there is a break in the clouds).
If it was possible for anyone (apart from the op) to 'mark as best answer' I'd spend half the day sticking flags in jno's one liners...I think they go clean over the heads of many of them but they have me in fits sometimes. ...hmmm, better just check I haven't missed any aimed at me.... :o)

Lottie you can order Avon online if you fancy trying the skin-so-soft that everyone raves about...but I can't stand the smell of it, definitely an undertone of flit I feel... sorry woofy!
Lofty i don't know if it's any help but I bought Mosi Guard this year ..and I've not had one bite .Mind you I only put it on my legs which is where I usually tend to be bitten.After the leg fiasco I wasn't taking any chances :)
It's a pump spray stuff .I got it from Amazon .
Hahaa..talking about bites .We were on holiday in Crete several years ago and I got bitten really badly .On my face and everywhere . The bugges love me
.Anyway I got some stuff from the pharmacy and bought one of those citrus candles Nightimes I used to wrap myself in a sheet and Mr S said I looked like something out the mummys tomb with it pulled up over my face
.I was so piddled off with being bitten I left the candle burning and we dropped off only to be woken up with the curtains on fire !!
Good job we had loads of bottled water which we chucked around and stopped any further damage .Cost us mucho drachma at the time ! .
oh lordy shaney, I know it could have been serious but I can't stop laughing at the image of you desperately trying to fight your way out of the sheet as the curtains went up in's like a carry on, hahaha...what language did you swear in?
I have just ordered some 'Flit' from Ebay

Ha, ha, ha Shaney!!!!
Well it was so hot Robinia ...and of course we slept in the altogether so you can just imagine it .Two stark naked people jumping about with bottles of water and of course we disturbed the offspring who thought it was all very hilarious .
It was like something out of a carry on film .Mr S was shouting ..Scheisse ...and I was shouting ....Oh bugger it :))
He was shouting " I can't take you anywhere " the next morning when we had to show the pension owner the damage . She was very good about it really . I expect they've seen it all before but I was mortified .
Luckily it wasn't too bad,singed curtains and a burn mark on the night table but we had to divvy up which was fair enough :)

This is beautiful Beniras, and it'sbeen on fire since yesterday, at least 20 cars have been destroyed and they are evacuating all the people from the area, tourists and all. It is a really magical place.It's iles from Ibiza town but the plumes of smoke can be seen all over the island. Probably a dropped fag end caused it!!
It is so hot here (without the fire) i am shattered. The flights have doubled in price, don't know whether to keep waiting or get one. Sissy and family leave tomorrow evening, so I'll have more time to chat, 'spect you are all missing my pearls of wisdom and witty reposts!

Mossies do not attack when the air con is on, that's one good thing!
Getting a bit blustery now. Just been to the bins and put me plastic in the brown bin (bio degradable) and potato peelings etc in the blue bin.(Plastic/tins etc.) What a mess trying to get it in the right bins.Nearly got blown away in the process. Made me mind up going to watch telly tonight. University C and Who do you Think you Are? could be interesting.
Pleased you're getting sorted Lottie. Bites can be painful. The worst I've had this year has been on my ankle. There was a few all in the same area. I'm a whittlea**e as well. I was really worried about these warty things and what they are but my Dr was brill and when they get ready to be zapped I just make an appointment at the Cryo Clinic.
We shouldn't laugh at your escapade should we Shaney but it does make you, it's the way you tell it. I think I can just about translate scheisse!
I've just washed my dinner and tea pots and while I was in the middle I decided to empty my cutlery drawer and clean that out. Didn't realise I had so many Knives forks and spoons etc. I will start these jobs!
Hi Neti - missed you there! What a shame about that fire. It's surprising how easily they start. My sister has had a glass ball on her window sill for years (20) i and in July she put her birthday cards along the sill and one day she smelt something burning, there wasn't a flame just the corner of a card was singed and stuck in thesill which is PVC has now got a hole in it where it was melting from the reflection from the sun on the glass ball. She was so pleased she was in at the time.Scary what might have happened..
Hi jude, yes that is frightening. I always check that my glasses are out of sun range when I go out.
Well Shaney In UC I got the grand total of 4. It was a very low scoring contest tonight and not just by me!! :~)

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