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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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shaney, have just heard that people with Hashimoto's can get a parathyroid ademona. Have you ever heard of it, it's worrying me now. My specialist never looks for anything like that but he does blood tests!
I wouldn't worry too much Neti .Are you becoming forgetful and do you have kidney stones or brittle bones ? I doubt it so stop worrying ! It's a benign thing anyway . Millions of people have Hashimotos and NO other symptoms of parathoid whatsnames whatsoever .Keep calm and carry on .
Yoohoo Jude sounds like you had a nice time .Lovely pic of your bro .He's very dishy .
That Skeleton crossword is the worlds worst crossword.
Whoever sets it should be hauled up in front of a dictionary and made to write out one hundred times ........
"A cryptic crossword clue has a definition and a fair indicator of the solution, not... make it up as you go along " :)

No rain here as yet. I have my canoe on standby though .
Yes Shaney you're so right about the skeleton. He is a bit vague isn't he. I take it that the compiler is a man. I think they have changed because it used to be a bit more solvable than this one.
Sorry you are worrying Neti. I admit I don't really understand properly but I do know about the thyroid a bit as my niece has to take a tablet every day and has had her thyroid zapped with something and had to stay away from her children for a week because of it and her husband as well but now I know she wasn't too bothered about that part! Anyway have a look at my bro and I hope that will take your mind off it.
We're all ogling your bro Jude ;o) does he know about us? Sounds like you had a good time.

Well it looks like we'll be getting some bad weather too, I think it's the lull before the storm, it's sooo still and quiet, it's a bit eerie. Sister's back at the hotel will hopefully get on a flight tomorrow morning. I just hope Tarquin gets home safely, he was going to ride back but I've told him to get the train again.

Stop worrying neti...go & chase a lizard or sommat.
Yes Robi I feel like you the calm before the proverbial. I've just been out to put a bowl of washing up water over my plants and I thought probably wont be needing to do it tomorrow and it was really quiet. Yes my family know about you all. Not a lot but they know I've been on here for a long time in fact 5 years on 13th of next month. If AB ever closes down we will have to keep in touch by email.
Hope your family keep safe. Don't we all worry about our own families, no matter how old they are.
My bro intruduces me as his Mum to some people sometimes. He was doing it last night ~ not true, It's a joke between us because he says I look like her and remind him of her sometimes when I walk into his house. Bless 'im.

I'm off to me bed now Hope you all have a goodnight and a good week ahead.
See yer later 'gater(s) X
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morning all its blowing a howler here and the boys are restless so I got up a bit early, no point going out yet tho as its pitch dark. I would say booger it but we didn't go yesterday and the weather seems to be settling so maybe by 4.30 ish we'll be okay.
Kit, my brain is like my dogs, which is to say untrainable lol.
Again just caught up with all the goings on ,on here and sometimes I feel really envious ,such as Jude and her sisters and brother (by the way he's gorgeous Jude !) I've only got one younger brother left and he lives in the UK ,not much of a talker either. Commiserations to all the sick folk and the depressed on here (I know all about that)
Neti ,I think Gordon has found his way over here ,we wondered what our new baby(Pearl) was doing ,sniffing all round my computer(plus junk) room and hubby spotted a skink as we call them .Don't know where it has gone couldn't be bothered shifting a mountain of stuff. Also Neti I've had Hashimoto's for years ,just take tablets every morning and a few years ago had one side of my thyroid removed -one can barely seethe scar.
I am a bit worried at the moment ,have discovered what some so-called doctor called a wart is actually a Basal Cell carcinoma on my face and another little one growing near it ! Looks like a knife job -oh well if it's too bad I'll wear a veil (don't want to frighten the greatgrandchildren ) . To-morrow Dentist to be visited ,a filling for sure and an adjustment of my top plate -making my mouth sore .
Well love to you all ,keep your peckers up and keep as well as you can ,bye .xxx
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Dolly my Mum had BCC for about the last 20 years of her life. She just kept getting them removed and it was no big deal for her, the scarring was totally minimal and the worst pain was soreness. She had never been a sunbather and used to get them on her back and thighs too, so not sun exposure related.
Well we are safely back home, it blew a hooligan and I was reminded forcibly that I need new wellies as mine leak...I knew they did but with all the dry weather it didn't matter. the boys are fed and asleep again....we have a lot in common lol. When we were travelling on the ships, we did quite a bit of flying to join and leave. DH used to say that so long as i was fed and watered I would sleep through anything. Its a useful attribute IMO.
Looks like the worst of the weather is moving over.
Oh btw, it was 8 bottle of wine divided by 8 as one was a child and the other a teetotaller!

I'm with you Kit, I hate anything numeric. Frits me summat orful!
tut, how did this lot work out their co-op divi?....<pins poster up>...

Good (not) morning...what a night. Spent most of it awake listening to the pouring rain & it was so humid I half expected the wallpaper to start peeling off. When I did nod off I was having weird dreams, Tara Para Tomcatson was in there somewhere....expect me to make no sense at all today :o) Hope everyone's safe, dry and leak free.

Hello Dolly! I see the Aussies must get through the swear filter by coming up from the underground, wasn't neti censored when she said peckers*?
*Just in case - p e c k e r s

Wellies! Thanks for jogging my untrained brain woofy, that's what I was going to look for a few days ago but I somehow drifted off into handbags. I want some that aren't too heavy for my stikky legs, any recommendations? Oh, not too expensive either, I haven't had many invitations to any bog garden parties lately.
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can't help with wellies I am afraid..I have traditionally shaped calves and have to take what I can get, also I trek through bush and briar in mine so I get the heavy duty ones. I go to a local country store called Scats who have a decent range, not sure if they are national or only in the south. Weather clearing up nicely here, its sunny and breezy now, good job as DH is out bike training today and he is like a cat about getting wet.
I didn't think Robinia would have much joy shopping if she gets her handbags and her wellies muddled up, but no, seems I was wrong


Garden party went very nicely yesterday, seemed mostly to consist of Germans and artists, and I came home pickled in Pimm's, which is always pleasant, and the rain didn't start till half an hour later, which should have given them time to clear everything away, plus although it rained all night there is no longer flooding on our lawn, so the drains look like they're working. So that makes quite a satisfactory weekend really.
Phew, that was a long read and very intereting too. I thought Hashimoto was a Kamakazi pilot!!

We seemed to get the dregs of the storm and rain in the early ours of the morning at then at about 8.30 we got a few mini whirlwinds, a sheet of rain that looked like smoke and everything in the garden looked like it was going to take off. Now it's brightening up. Yesterday was absolutely beautiful but I had to come in from the garden and take some Piriton because I was itching all over and my eyes were streaming. I am still getting bites and I don't know what it is that's biting me, but obviously not fleas. All the bites seem to be confined to the hot warm places around my middle, behind my knees, the back of my neck and the crooks of my elbows!! They are driving me mad.

Wellies - well I haven't been able to wear them for years. I simply get dreadful pains in my feet if I walk in them. Woofy, Crocs make wellies and, I, like you have traditional calves and they are fine. They are bloody ugly, but who cares!! However, mine leak, which isn't a good advert for them.

I have to go shopping at some time today when I actually feel awake enough to drive. The piriton have made me even more tired than I already am!

Nice to see you Dolly. My grandmother had those things on her face and had them removed quite regularly. Her daughter, my aunt also has them. I think they are quite common as we get older and, as Woofy says, are not dangerous and are nothing to do with the sun.

Shaney, lovely to see you. Always thinking of you both.

Jno, glad you enjoyed the garden party.

Jude, your brother is lovely.

Swedie, Neti, Vinny love you all too.

See you later! x

Jude, your brother is very, very, very lovely!!!!!!
Oh, and Maths and English were my favourite subjects at school and I took Statistics as part of my college course and loved that too. But I hate Accounts! I have toyed (sp) with the idea of doing A level Maths just for pleasure, but I don't think my brain could cope nowadays. I see everything in terms of numbers, but also like anything to do with words and language.
Lottie, you'll have heard of Chicken Teriyaki - the only surviving kamikaze pilot... are crocs wellies full of holes, then? That might be a design flaw.
Ha ha, jno :o)


I'm going to give these a try and hope that the first pair that leaked were a one off. They are not cheap, but not bad at £10 off in the sale.
I just spluttered my yoggy at the crocs welly comment 'cos that's exactly what I was thinking, I'm so glad it wasn't just a blonde moment. I only want them for the garden & I've found if you buy them big enough to put a thick insole inside they're warmer & comfy enough to wear in short bursts. I never thought about it before but I really should have a matching handbag shouldn't I? I can't believe for all these years I've been unco-ordinated, tut....

Lottie, don't freak out but could your itchy spots possibly be scabies? That's usually in the warm areas.
Have decided to have another try with these because of the price. They are ideal for the garden or tramping up the fields and handy to shove in the back of the car.

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