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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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I'm half asleep again! Just spotted the pouffe on that link. Yes, very expensive!
Well it's been a scorcher here today although very windy .What a waste of journey into town that was .
I did have a bag of chips though so it wasn't all wasted time but Marks are hopeless. It's such a little shop and crammed to the gunnels with everything but the right size ! And as for their handbag selection ...Abysmal :)
One fleece jacket in the whole shop size 10,grotty colour and no long trousers in my size either and not a V necked T shirt to be seen in colours i wanted only these insipid pale pink and washed out grey colours .Total crip ..
There are two empty prime retail sites in Yarmouth with acres of floor space that they could move to but no ,they insist on soldiering on this miiscule shop which has been there since the year dot .

Lovely pictures Pamilar,sounds like you had a good time and the one of Skye is lovely too Robinia .

Goodness me Woofy :) And I think I've got craft junk in six A4 boxes ..hahaa.Love the Teddies .

These scarves are very nice Kit ,but very expensive .
.I buy pashminas on the market ...two for a tenner . I'm easily pleased :)
I bought a really nice one in Norwich last year and wore it to death in the cold weather .

Well I'm off to watch whispering Dan waving his arms about shortly .Have a nice evening all .
Pip Pip for now .
thank you Robi, let's hope I can remember that!
Have just watched a prog on Sky art 1 about Gerry and the Pacemakers, what a little fatty he is, reminds me of Jimmy Tarbuck. Can't imagine him rocking my boat in Oct when he's coming to Eastbourne with pj proby to sing for me!!!
Mousey the cat is on our roof and shouting, so we are not sure if she can get down, but will wait and see. Mr N does not feel inclined to get the ladder out right now, so I went round the side of the house banging a sppon on a dish cos that means cream, and a grasshopper jumped off the washing line straight onto me,which sent me screaming and ripping off nightie t-shirt into the house where Mr N looked at me in horror (the neighbours didn't seem to mind!) meanwhile cat is still shouting on the roof!!!!
Perhaps Gordon is up there? Or did a gruesome fate befall Gordon the details of which we were spared?

Are those origami sheets in one of the drawers, Woofy? And what does the Chinese sign say, on the pinboard?

LOL@the scarf Robi and at 'crip' Shaney:-D

Keep it up jno
Mr N thinks he is in luck tonight!! Wife running around in gay abandon ripping off her clothes!!
Leave "gay" out of it please, nothing gay in our house!!

Gordon evenually (with out help) escaped into the garden after a lot of shrieking and prodding from me. Have now sealed all the shutters with white parcel tape so can't open them. Thank heavens for air con!!
*with OUR help* that should be!
Whoops, sorry Neti, I wasn't casting nasturtiums on Mr N's masculinity. ;o)

I have made some courgette, potato and cheese soup today and it was absolutely delicious! There is enough for a week!!
That sounds lovely soup Lottie I could just eat some. Have to put up with Special K wont I.
By the way Neti - if I want to put € on I press the alt gr key and the 4. Mine is next to the space bar on the right.
€€ oh yes jude, so can I, many thanks!! (in fact I've just noticed the € sign on the no 4 key d'oh") smacks self on head!!!
For Jude


2 lbs (900 g) courgettes
½ lb (225 g) potatoes
2 cloves garlic
1 onion
1½ pints (900 ml) water or white vegetable stock
Salt and Pepper
1 tablespoon chopped basil
1 tablespoon chopped oregano
1 tablesepoon chopped chives
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 oz (56 g) grated parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons cream

Wash the courgettes and chop into chunks. Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes.
Peel and slice the onion. Crush the garlic.
Heat the olive oil in a large pan and add the onion and garlic. Lightly fry for about 5 minutes to soften.
Add the potatoes to the pan, cover with half of the stock or water, bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer for about 15 minutes until half-cooked..
Add the courgette chunks, salt and pepper to taste, chopped oregano and basil and the rest of the stock or water, bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are fully cooked.
Either rub through a sieve or put through a blender to make a smooth pureee.
Return to a clean pan, re-heat and add the cream, grated parmesan and chopped chives without boiling.
Serve immediately with a sprinkling of cheese on the top of the bowls.
Serves 4.

(I used a different cheese, a hard Italian one, quite strong (I hate Parmesan).

(My name is not MerciaSounds by the way) x
Mousey off the roof yet Neti, you must tell us before you go to bed. Aww Gordon, he made it!

...and BTW folks £46.00 is hardly expensive for a fox stole;-)
Thanks Lottie ever so much.
I have copied that recipe and I'm really going to have a go. I shall have to do it as per the recipe and freeze it or cut down on the ingredients. It will make a change from the soup I buy. Sainsburys BGtoY Parsnip,Butternut Squash & Ginger, or Tomato & 3 bean. They really taste nice but it would be nice to have a change. I'll let you know when I've done it.
Sorry - for the unitiated BGtoY = Be Good to Yourself.
HI Kit wasn't ignoring you! Was well into getting the soup sorted out.
I'm off to bed now. Have a good night Everybiddy in Biddycombe.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Kit , you can steal any of my foxes for free.

(That's a pun on steal/stole... I've just been to look it up, and 'steal' is Anglo-Saxon and probably similar to something Swedish, but a stole is from a Greek word meaning a garment.)

I'm only hiding in the dog kennel here with my etymological dictionary because there are trolls roaming about in dozens out there tonight.

Say, I went to St Biddy's on Thursday and was given something close to an all-clear, though I still need one final test result. So I had a whole 24 hours without a pending medical appointment!

Then another flaming crown fell out.
*howls at jude's avatar and howls with laughter at jno's last sentence* Sorry jno it's not funny at all - it's just the way you deliver it:) Good news about the rest of you though.

Mousey? You okay up there? Yeah she seems comfortable enough (Was she looking for Ceiling Cat, I wonder;-) G'night folks.
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morning all, the sign on the pinboard IIRC says fire exit...they were put up when the ship was in dry dock and we had loads of chinese workers on board.
The papers you can see are all 12 x 12 and a bit stiff for origami.

If you like pashminas, this is a great website
quite thin but lovely and soft.

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