Has anyone watched this on Netflix?
Loving it so far. My husband is staying with it, but not so enthusiastic as me.
To be fair, I think it will appeal more to the woman....
Late one night at the insane asylum one patient shouted, "I am Napoleon!" A person in another room said, "How do you know?" The first patient said, "God told me!" Just then, a voice from another room...
God spoke to me, telling me I should quit smoking, drinking and sex. I told him I'd try very hard. A week later, he asked me how I was getting on. I said that I managed to quit smoking, given up the...
So funny! Glad he was found and not in a bad way.
Any fitting captions??...
Went for a nice little country walk today. It was so peaceful, watching the wildlife, listening to the water gently rippling. Then my phone rings, agghhh! It was my annoying friend. I told him I...
A brittish boat is nearby a port in Germany and calls for help on the radio:
The german replies:
-Wat are you sinking about?...