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My husband and I have just split up. We are still friends. He is going to live with with his Mum. The thing is, I have NEVER been a single parent and don't have a clue what I can claim and how to...
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I'm generally a happy individual. I've been happily married for 29 years to a caring, loving bloke, and we have two healthy, happy adult sons. We're reasonably healthy and although money is a...
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yes i have noticed shops stocking up their festive range so its official merrry christmas one and all
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Opinions needed please... If you were thinking of asking your partner to move into your house/flat... what kind of money would you expect them to pay? Would you want them to pay half towards...
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If my girlfreind moves in my house how much rent should i ask her for? it costs mt ?1200 to liver there a month including a 750 mortgage
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whats a decent price for renting a house in the salford area for one person. I saw one on 'find a' for 450 pcm, 2 bedrooms fully furnished! Is this a good deal? thanks
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I'm a bit peeved this week. Because of the bank holiday we didn't put our bin out on the right day so it is chokka and it has maggots in which we have never had before. How do I get my bin emptied...
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I have no light s downstairs in my house, not sure what happened but it is not the fuse. could be the wireing problem. ..Oh no!! I live in darkness, I dont hav ethe money to repair them what can I...
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Hi . We've just been quoted ?200 pounds to get our hedges trimmed and wondered if those with experience would consider that a reasonable price or not. There are a lot of hedges - probably round about...
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Are there any current regulations regarding safety chains on gas cookers. I am going round in circles on this one!
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I have carpet in the kitchen (I like my comfort). I put a raffia type mat on top of it but the mat 'walks' to one side. Any suggestions how I can make the mat stay in one place. I have tried double...
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My daughter accidentally locked her toddler in her car. Well, she didn't do it herself; the doors locked themselves when she closed the back door, having put the child in her seat. Unfortunately, the...
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My little grand daughter has had 2 frightening episodes, each lasting about 3-5 mins, of first rubbing her eyes then going completely floppy then gradually coming out of it but being confused and...
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this question but my father had a dream last night and it was of his parents who have passed away a few years ago. In the dream his father went up to him...
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Help, I am nearly at the end of my teather with my job. I am one of 5 sales managers in a telesales company. Each manager has a team of 7 staff. As managers our job is to "manage" staff also to...
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what is the origin of the saying?
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I am getting married next week, and am so worried about the weather. Has anyone got married and it rained really heavy. How did you cope...did it spoil the day? Please put my mind at rest, I am so...
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I have, stupidly, deleted an email with an important word doc attached. I forgot I was working on it as an attachment and deleted it! HELP!
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I have a friend with small children who is unmarried and living with an alcoholic. Can anybody please suggest some websites, and organisations she can go to get some help and advice.. Thanks.
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Can a relationship ever survive one or the other people cheating on the other? Would it ever be the same again or is it over even if you want it to work? Im not married, just in a long term r'ship and...

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